Mangalitsa Perfection with Incontro Cured

The world of American made salumi is woefully lacking in selection of humanely raised and traditionally crafted charcuterie. You’ll find favorites in our case already; we’re proud to offer innovative and unique cuts from a handful of other makers, but when we look for classic Italian traditionalism, our domestic options feel sparse.

Enter Incontro Cured, the only place in the United States using pasture-raised Mangalitsa pigs to craft their artisanal, traditional Italian style cured meats. The rarely bred Mangalitsa pig went “out of style” in the 90’s with fears over their high fat content, but are slowly coming back as consumers begin to appreciate the immense depth of flavor they inherently hold. Often referred to as the Kobe beef of pork, these curly haired hogs cure into marbled meat that melts in the mouth like nothing else.

The Incontro family hails from Carlentini, Sicily, and Reggio Calabria, Italy. Tony Incontro was introduced to the craft by his Nanu before he could talk, and has carried a love of all things pork since. His passion for quality has never waivered, and care for the pigs has always come first. Whether sourcing down the street from Eltee Mangalitsa’s Gourmet Pork (a family farm focused on Mangalitsa hogs since 2014), or from his own burgeoning estate, Incontro follows true old-world artisan style down to the open pastures on which his pigs roam. Combined with Tony’s deep old world knowledge, mastered from his >15 years of butchery in a plethora of highly regarded Napa Valley and San Francisco establishments, these fatty hogs are re-defining what American salumi can be.

Family style charcuterie long before it was commercially available

From classics like Antico (with red wine & garlic), to essentials like Guanciale, and family recipes for Siciliano (with peppers, oregano, & orange), Incontro Cured is bringing an exciting new depth to American salumi. Stop by in store for a sample, or order any of these uniquely delicious and timelessly traditional cuts today.

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