Oce-LOT to Love From Scotland

Ocelot Chocolate is crafted in the spirit of artistic and culinary experimentation. Striving to push the boundaries of both flavor and sustainability, this Scottish micro-factory is innovating what chocolate can stand for. Regenerative cacao ethically obtained by Original Beans, inclusion ingredients thoughtfully selected to support small artisans, and (double-take) packaging made exclusively from recyclable/compostable materials is only the beginning. Experience “Chocolate by Design” at the apex of passion and precision.

The production of this exceptional chocolate begins with dedicated farmers who carefully nurture cocoa trees, handpick cocoa pods, and ferment and sun-dry the beans to preserve their natural goodness. These beans are then meticulously hand-peeled and processed into nibs, paste, butter, and powder.

Ocelot’s 70% organic chocolate is crafted from beans grown in Virunga National Park, Africa’s oldest nature reserve and home to the last Mountain Gorillas. The farmers there not only cultivate beans but also work actively to protect the gorillas and their habitat, resulting in a chocolate that embodies the rich flavors of dark fruits, earthy forest tones, and smoky tobacco. Their 50% organic dark milk chocolate uses rare Amelonado beans from an all-female cooperative in Eastern Congo, offering a unique taste experience.

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