Common Types
Bonito Del Norte
Thunnus alalunga
Max Length: 4 ft 7 in
Max Weight: 88 lb
Atún Claro
Thunnus albacares
Max Length: 7 ft 10 in
Max Weight: 445 lb
Atún Rojo
Atlantic Bluefin
Thunnus thynnus
Max Length: 15 ft
Max Weight: 2010 lb
Atún Listado
Katsuwonus pelamis
Max Length: 3 ft 7 in
Max Weight: 76 lb
Bonito (Not Tuna)
Atlantic Bonito
Sarda sarda
Max Length: 3 ft
Max Weight: 18.25 lb
Ventresca (Not a fish)
Ventresca is a cut from the belly of the tuna. Think Toro vs. Maguro sushi. Toro is fattier and delish! Ventresca is the Toro.
Reasons for Confusion
Bonito (Sarda sarda) is a smaller fish found in the Mediterranean. When a similar looking but much larger fish Thunnus alalunga was discovered in more northern waters, it was named Bonito del Norte, or Bonito “of the North”.
Bonito Del Norte
4 ft 7 in
3 ft
Bonito del Norte weighs in at a whopping 88 lbs whereas Bonito’s maximum weight is 18.25 lbs.
While “Bonito del Norte” and “Bonito” are often used interchangeably, they are entirely distinct species. Bonito is more closely related to mackerel than tuna

In the wine world, where the grape is grown is indicative of quality. Similarly, the best tuna is caught in the Cantabrian Sea. Only Albacore Thunnus alalung caught in these waters should be called “Bonito del Norte.”
Because the term “Bonito del Norte” comes with notoriety
and inherent quality, inaccurate claims to it are often made…
…even when the fish is not from the Cantabrian Sea.
…even when it is an entirely wrong species! Bonito and Skipjack often referred to even by fisherman as Bonito del Norte.
Some of this confusion is inadvertent and some is not. Caputo’s asks all our suppliers the hard questions so you don’t have to