A Drink For Dad: The Tony Negroni

Caputo’s Cheese Caves Week just wrapped and we’re celebrating with a very special cocktail dedicated to our founder (and my dad-in-law) Tony Caputo. A fun fact about Tony is that he wasn’t a big drinker, but when celebrating or traveling, his drink of choice was always the same; a classic Italian aperitivo – Campari and soda. This drink is a simple combination of soda water and Campari, an Italian bitter liquor which you likely recognize from its distinctive red bottle and strong bitter qualities.

Mix one part Campari to three parts Italian mineral water, and spice it with a dash of Mr. Bitters Negroni Bitters. Yes, there is a difference – just try a side by side for yourself. We lovingly dubbed our version the “Tony Negroni” and naturally, we’re serving it with a sidecar of Tony’s Flowers.

Best served alongside Tony’s Flowers

This one’s to you, Tony!

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