Naughty: Amaro Hot Toddy

So, the gifts are almost all wrapped, the tree is already coming apart thanks to your four-legged family members, you’ve threatened Santa’s visitation rights to your kids more than you care to admit, AND WHERE IS THE SNOW? You deserve a break, a sweet indulgence of sorts, and a drink. Let’s combine all of those into one lovely, warm cocktail to soothe your soul and melt away the stress.toddy-2

If you’re not yet familiar with Waterpocket Distillery, consider this your introduction. One of Utah’s newest distilleries is raising the bar with centuries old traditional liqueurs, unique spirits, and a fresh face. We’re using their Notom Amaro here, you can find it at liquor stores around town or by visiting the distillery for their entire line. This is a great way to introduce amaro to your home bar, but also try this with a ice cube, neat, or stirred into your next cocktail. (Wanna know more? Come to the class we’re hosting them at here!)

My take here on the classic hot toddy replaces whiskey with Waterpocket’s Notom Amaro and we’re swapping out the usual sweeter honey for deep, savory, and slightly bitter chestnut honey. I’m also omitting lemon juice as I find it a bit overpowering for the amaro, but feel free to take control of your toddy as you see fit. The combination of Amaro and chestnut is herbaceous, complex, and lovely stirred with hot water. Try your favorite honeys, amari, and citrus as you see fit.

Notom Hot Toddy
Serves 1

  • 2 ounces Waterpocket Notom Amaro
  • 2 teaspoons chestnut honey
  • Hot water

Stir amaro, honey, and hot water together in a mug. Turn off all electronics and enjoy some human interaction with friends and family.


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