Ask Matt: How Do I Use Strong Flavored Olive Oil?

“Ask Matt Caputo” is an ongoing feature where Matt answers commonly asked questions from the market. This week, he discusses condiment grade olive oil.

I’ve tried some olive oils that taste really strong and can’t imagine how I’m supposed to use them: what would I use something like that for?

Most people misunderstand olive oil, or at least think about it a bit too simplistically. There are different types for different purposes, and I’m not talking about extra virgin vs virgin; I’m talking about how it’s used. In Italy, their number one most popular condiment is olive oil. You might have one olive oil that is good for cooking, you might have another that’s good for salads, but some olive oils are so strong and potent that they’re used as a condiment.

Now what is a condiment supposed to do? A condiment is supposed to change the flavor of a finished dish, so you need something really, really potent. In fact, sometimes, these condiment grade olive oils are so potent that if you were to taste them on their own (or maybe even with bread) they might be too strong.

Just recently, we received the new harvest of Viola Colleruita from Italy. It is one of the strongest olive oils in the world, and my absolute favorite to add to finished dishes. A nice soup dish, a finished pasta dish, even on top of things like steak – just a little drizzle on top. Or my favorite to surprise my guests with: on top of gelato, maybe with a little sea salt. The Colleruita just brings out the flavors. It’s really an amazing product. Too bitter on its own, but incredible as a condiment like they would do in Italy.

– Matt Caputo

Olive Oil is near and dear to our hearts at Caputo’s. We’ve told epic stories of our House Olive Oil from Crete, and we occasionally offer classes on this culturally essential ingredient. In our selection, you’ll find excellent choices for cooking, dressing, and even finishing dishes. Find yourself some Colleruita and explore the rest of our selection here.

Disclaimer: While Matt Caputo is a Certified Cheese Professional and specialty food fanatic, he is not a medical professional, doctor, or certified nutritionist. Please consult with your doctor or other qualified health care professional before making any healthcare decisions, diagnostics or treatment decisions based on Matt’s answers.

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