February Focus Group Photo

See ya, January! It doesn’t feel like a whole month has gone by, January was a whirlwind for me. So we move from January to… April? The weather has been absolutely whacky. If February wants to crossdress as a Spring, I don’t mind following suit. Sure, I love the warm weather and ability to wear a dress to work instead of layers and layers of clothing. I must say though, that I feel cheated. Winter is not holding up its end of the deal, and it’s throwing my seasonal cooking for a loop. All I want to make are stews, soups, and braised entrees, but the weather is dictating a warmer weather type of cooking. I’m reaching deep into the depths of a recipe box I’ve kept for years, searching for new things to help me find new inspiration to mesh the month and the truly absurd weather.

I’ve received inspiration from food magazine clippings, recipes picked up from past travel, and our newest cravings. These goodies will do the trick. I’ll be able to satisfy my cold weather food needs with ease. Check these out:

CHEESE: Raclette

French_Raclette_Raw_Milk__24980.1408244420.450.670Nothing says winter eats like melted cheese, and nothing melts nearly as well, or as famously, as Raclette. This Swiss gem is government protected to ensure the creamy, melty, and entirely decadent experience that comes along with this cheese. Melt this over boiled potatoes, roasted meats, or even apples and pickles. Everything is better with a gooey layer of melted cheese on it, right? Have yourself a raclette party with your favorite cheese geek friends and see what other treats can be layered with cheese. Heck, make a big pot of fondue and dip to your heart’s desire.

Hurry and get your melt on before February becomes June. I know I’d hate to miss melty cheese season aka the end of winter.




CHOCOLATE: Amedei Toscano Red
Amedei Toscano Red (for blog)Amedei is top notch, but you knew that. What you may not know is the masterful and unexpected inclusion bars are nothing short of addicting. Here, deep, dark chocolate meet freeze dried raspberries, cherries, and strawberries pieces for a pleasantly tart crunch. This bar is actually perfect for this month. You get transcendent dark chocolate, which is exactly what I crave after a long, cold day or big meal, with pieces of fruit that really taste just like the middle of summer. My two favorite seasons meet in this lovely little package.






SWEET: Amour Spreads Blood Orange Rosemary Marmalade

Amour Blood Orange Rosemary Marmalade (for blog)Ok, let’s talk about addiction. My name is Adri and I am a blood orange addict. You name it, I’ve got it. Juice, candied peel, frozen pulp, and, of course, marmalade. I love Amour, their entire line of hand-crafted, local preserves are a treasure and Salt Lake City is so lucky to claim them as our own. I grew up with a love for the combination of rosemary and citrus, but this marmalade has made that love even stronger. Stay tuned for a recipe later this month. Layers of marmalade will be the spotlight of one of my favorite desserts.






SAVORY: Cornichons

cornichonWe couldn’t talk about Raclette without talking about my favorite little pickles! Cornichons are small, tart pickles made from tiny cucumbers known as gherkins. These Maille cornichons are pickled in a mix of vinegar and aromatics including tarragon, cloves, baby onions, and mustard seeds, and are produced according to a rigorous French production process. My melty cheese needs a crunchy, tart little pop. This is it.





I’m excited to see what February has up its sleeve this year. Maybe some snow? Maybe some more crazy, warm days? Either way, it’s going to be delicious and I can’t wait to show you all what we come up with. Happy eating, friends!

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