Make This: Spinach, Artichoke & Chili Dip

v89n3IO9There are some foods that I refuse to make without a crowd, mostly because I know I’ll inhale these types of dishes with great gusto. Spinach & artichoke dip would fall in that category. Sure, it sounds healthy. Turns out, it’s not (#wompwomp).

It is, however, entirely delicious and a great appetizer when consumed in small quantities. If I make something like this without a party coming up or friends stopping by, I’d no doubt eat the entire thing.

My new roommate moved in over the weekend. After a long weekend of lugging awkward furniture in and out of cars, elevators, and doorways, we were spent. Not only that, the landlords (the nicest, sweetest, most amazing kind) were stopping by for an annual check in and to meet my new roomie. I whipped up a quick batch of classic spinach & artichoke goodness, and stirred in some of the magical Chili Beak to make it even more fantastic.

Landlords and tenants alike bonded over creamy dip and microbrews. The Chili Beak was the perfect flavor contrast to the creamy mix of creme fraiche, cream cheese, and mayonnaise, but still not so overpowering that we couldn’t taste the spinach and artichoke hearts. I wish every annual meeting could be this delicious.

This dip will keep well for about four days once combined. I like making this in advance of a gathering and popping it in the oven just for that magical reveal. So here’s your warm, decadent dip for flatbread and veggies.


Spinach Artichoke & Chili Dip
Serves 6-10 as an appetizer

  • 3 handfuls fresh spinach, thick stems trimmed
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1  shallot, chopped
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/3 cup cream cheese
  • ½ cup creme fraiche
  • ½ cup mayonnaise
  • 8 ounces marinated artichoke hearts, chopped
  • 4 tablespoons Chili Beak
  • ¾ cup grated Parmigano Reggiano

Blanch spinach in a pot of salted water for about 1 minute, or until wilted. Remove to a colander to cool. Once cooled, squeeze all water out of spinach with your hands. Wrap a clean dish towel around spinach and press once more.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Saute shallot in olive oil over medium heat, until softened and beginning to brown. Add spinach and continue stirring until most oil has been soaked up by the spinach. Season with salt and pepper and allow to cool slightly. Whisk cream cheese, creme fraiche, and mayonnaise until smooth. Fold in artichoke hearts, spinach mixture, Chili Beak, and grated Parmigiano. Transfer to a 9-inch baking dish and bake for about 20 minutes, or until the top is browned and bubbling. Serve with baguette, crackers, or flatbread and fresh veggies.

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